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Gli osteopati sono guaritori che non hanno bisogno di strumenti o farmaci per il loro lavoro. Per la diagnosi e il trattamento dei pazienti, si affidano alle loro mani nude e a ciò che possono sentire e ottenere con esse. Stanno conquistando sempre più persone: Secondo un sondaggio condotto dall'istituto di ricerca d'opinione Forsa la scorsa estate, quasi un tedesco su cinque di età superiore ai 14 anni si è affidato alle mani dell'osteopata e quattro intervistati su cinque si sono dichiarati molto soddisfatti o soddisfatti del trattamento ricevuto.

Negli ultimi anni, gli studi sul drenaggio cerebrale e sulla fisiologia del liquido cerebrospinale hanno prodotto risultati completamente nuovi con conclusioni cliniche significative.

Gli studi sull'esistenza di vasi linfatici regolari nei seni durali, sulla barriera emato-encefalica e sul privilegio immunitario del SNC portano a nuove conclusioni cliniche.

In diesem Artikel wird die Bedeutung des suprachiasmatischen Nukleus (SCN) für die tagesrhythmische Regulation des intrinsi- schen Zeitprogramms lebender Organismen vorgestellt sowie klinische Bezüge bei Störun- gen desselben aufgezeigt.

Die in den letzten Jahren häufig auftretende temporomandibuläre Dysfunktion (TMD) ist eine Störung im motorischen System des Kie- fers. Sie ist durch Einschränkungen in der Beweglichkeit, Deviation der Mandibula bei der Mundöffnung, periartikuläre Schmerzen mit Ausstrahlungen ins Gesicht, arthritische Geräusche und Kopfschmerzen charakteri- siert.

Differences and points of contact between osteopathy and yoga as regards their history and practical application are outlined. Both seek to promote healing. Yoga seeks the attainment of consciousness; osteopathy aims for providing support to health. One funda- mental difference is the personal involvement of the individual in yoga. Teacher and student alike are challenged to re-examine the attitudes of mind they have adopted toward their lives. Osteopathy generally involves a relatively passive patient while the osteopath is active in providing treatment.

Previous research into osteopathic clinical and diagnostic decision making sug- gests that reasoning is commonly based on highly analytical as well as intuitive processes. According to the dual-process theory, the intuitive and analytical processing that leads to decision making is equally important in diagnostic rea- soning. This article aims to explore the underlying and influencing factors that may lead to the development and reliability of intuition in clinical decision making generally and in osteopathic clinical reasoning specifically. Practical suggestions are given on how to encourage the development of intuition within the context of osteopathic teaching and practice.

Palpation is the cornerstone of osteopathic diagnosis and treatment and the major building block of clinical decision making within osteopathy. It depends not only on the interpretation of palpatory sensations, but the perception process itself can be affected by many factors that mostly act on the subconscious of the palpating individual. Palpation is a complex process and influenced by previous ex- periences, the type of information to collect as well as the context in which it takes place. Hence, the various influences that shape the perception and interpretation of palpatory findings may create challenges when treating a patient.

Aus: Liem T, Van den Heede P: Foundations of Morphodynamics in Osteopathy: An Integrative Approach to Cranium, Nervous System, and Emotions. Handspring, 2017.

Cases of pertussis, or whooping cough, have increased in recent years despite widespread vaccination and adequate antibiotic treatments. Osteopathic physicians may want to consider using osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) as an adjunctive treatment modality for pertussis; however, suitable OMT techniques are not specified in the research literature.

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