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Liem Publications

Pitfalls and challenges involved in the process of perception and interpretation of palpatory findings


Palpation is the cornerstone of osteopathic diagnosis and treatment and the major building block of clinical decision making within osteopathy. It depends not only on the interpretation of palpatory sensations, but the perception process itself can be affected by many factors that mostly act on the subconscious of the palpating individual. Palpation is a complex process and influenced by previous ex- periences, the type of information to collect as well as the context in which it takes place. Hence, the various influences that shape the perception and interpretation of palpatory findings may create challenges when treating a patient.

Fale uziemiające

Data wydania: 11 maja 2018Label: recordJetCopyright: ℗ 2018 Torsten Liem © 2018 recordJetCałkowita długość: 32:49


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Okulistyka czaszkowo-krzyżowa Tony'ego Lema, osteopaty z Hamburga z doświadczeniem w osteopatii dziecięcej.

Torsten Liem
Monachium, Urban i Fischer 2002

Okładka fal osteopatii sportowej.

Data publikacji: 11 maja 2018 r.
Etykieta: recordJet
Prawa autorskie: ℗ 2018 Torsten Liem © 2018 recordJet
Całkowita długość: 32:49

Okładka książki "Faschin Information 3" z informacjami na temat osteopatii w Hamburgu i osteopatii sportowej.

Torsten Liem
PDF: 20 stron
Język: niemiecki

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